Music Hall is known and respected for solid, good sounding products that are serious value. Here are two new ones.
Music Hall mini plus

Hey, I hear ya, it’s hard to excited about another “new” cheap phono preamp, but this one is seriously different. It features a headphone out, capacitance loading, a rumble filter, and the feature that truly makes the mini plus standout, a trim/gain control. This incredibly useful feature is kind of like having a volume control for your phono stage. Why would you want that? Sometimes the turntable isn’t loud enough or the sound from vinyl is distorted and shrill. The trim/gain control allows you to really dial-in the output of your turntable/cartridge to each individual system and even each recording. As you know, the output of each record can vary quite dramatically which sometimes changes the optimal performance and that sweet honey spot of your system. The trim/gain pot allows you to perfectly control the output of your vinyl rig and maximize your system’s sound. Only $150
See photos and full descriptions.
Music Hall Connect phono cable Only $99

Two years in development with one of the world’s leading cable designers has resulted in the production of this magnificent wire. A cable specially designed for turntables. The CONNECT cable will have you pulling out and rediscovering your record collection.